Photo of Wayne Williams, founder of ISI Solar, sitting at a table with his computer in front of him.

Over 25 years of experience

About ISI Solar

Founded in 1996 by Wayne E Williams, ISI is one of the few regional companies located in the Midwest that offers developers nationwide the full EPC package for renewable solar energy and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS.) ISI is people. The organization was built and continues to be built with solid character individuals who have demonstrated expertise in their field. Our people and value system come first. Happy team members perpetuate the values that ISI holds dear. We strive for excellence through training and communication.

Our values

Photo of Wayne Williams, founder of ISI Solar, giving a presentation to his employees about LEAN Construction.  Employees are looking at Wayne with their laptops open.

We practice all the concepts of LEAN construction. Plan your work – work your plan safely. It is that simple. There is colleague buy-in throughout the organization with best practice and lessons learned at the forefront of every decision. We pool our information through coordinated meetings and promote knowledge transfer from department to department horizontally and vertically. We have also adopted the practical concept that none of us are as smart as all of us.

Lean Construction

Photo of two men shaking hands.

Integrity is a principle. Always tell the truth. This is a concept that is driven into all thought processes throughout the ranks whether it is engineering, procurement, or construction. If trust is not the foundation of a relationship, there is no relationship. 


Three employees with their computers open showing the solar project they are working on.

Communication and transparency with our customers is paramount. Our customers have the unique advantage to login to see into our individual projects through access to our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Customer visibility extends to schedule updates, daily progress photos, billing status, and more. We are committed to strategic improvement of these resources to meet both the evolving needs of our team as well as our clients.

Total Transparency